Project delivery: North Central Catchment Management Authority
Targeted outcomes:
- Environmental; Native vegetation, fauna and fish
- Economic; Town water supply, irrigation supply
- Social: Community connection, cultural and heritage
- Long-term monitoring site
Restoration works
The Campaspe River flows from the Great Dividing Range near Woodend to the Murray River at Echuca.
The Caring for the Campaspe project will:
- improve the health and resilience of the river
- foster widespread community involvement
- encourage local stewardship.
Extensive revegetation and fencing works on areas along the river serves 2 purposes: the riverbanks will be more stable and provide a native vegetation corridor.
Parks Victoria, Landcare and Traditional Owner groups worked in partnership on this project. Over 130 landholders and 10 community groups also participated in the project.
Fixed-point photo monitoring points (Fluker posts) will help with long-term site monitoring. They will track the visual changes of the river restoration works over time. The Fluker posts encourage locals and visitors to take photos and send them to an online image library.
Environmental watering will provide food and habitat for fish and platypus. It will replenish important river red gums downstream and make fish migration easier.

Page last updated: 10/10/23