To continue providing high-quality, reliable, safe and affordable water services, water corporations will work with – and communicate effectively and transparently to – their customers and the local community.

Today, water corporation performance is measured by the quality of its customer service and community engagement. The Essential Services Commission surveys customer satisfaction with urban water corporations quarterly.

Customers are asked to rate: value for money, reputation in the community and the level of trust and satisfaction. In the future, we will be able to let you know how your rural water corporation is performing in customer service quality.

Water customer cases and enquiries referred to the Ombudsman

Water customer cases and enquires referred to the Ombudsman: •	2018-2019: 1721 •	2019-2020: 1546 •	2020-2021: 1525 •	2021-2022: 1350 •	2022-2023: 1289

Water customer cases and enquires referred to the Ombudsman:

  • 2018-2019: 1721
  • 2019-2020: 1546
  • 2020-2021: 1525
  • 2021-2022: 1350
  • 2022-2023: 1289
Water customer cases and enquiries referred to the Ombudsman

The Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria helps customers to resolve water corporation complaints. The Ombudsman specialises in dispute resolution and only some cases are referred to them.

By communicating clear performance information from across the industry, the government can ensure that the Victorian water sector is providing the best possible service to the community.

Page last updated: 22/11/23