State Emergency Management Plan
Bushfires, floods, storms and other hazards can significantly impact communities, the economy, our environment and essential services, including water and wastewater.
The State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) nominates DEECA as the Control Agency for 4 types of water emergencies, including:
- blue-green algae incidents
- the safety of dams in Victoria
- disruption to water and wastewater services
- and non-hazardous pollution of inland waters.
It is necessary to have well-practiced emergency response arrangements to minimise risks and manage consequences and threats.
DEECA has developed a suite of emergency management documents to meet its obligations under the SEMP, including incident notification protocol documents.
Incident notification protocol between DEECA and Victorian Water Corporations
The protocol:
- provides an agreed set of response arrangements between Victorian Water Corporations and DEECA for incidents
- is part of the broader emergency management response arrangements within DEECA and the water sector
- aims to reduce the impact and consequence of an emergency on people, communities, industry, the economy and the environment
- is consistent with State arrangements and other support agencies outlined in the SEMP.
Page last updated: 16/01/24