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About the program

We're working in partnership with Agriculture Victoria, Catchment Management Authorities and rural water corporations to monitor land and water use in irrigation areas. The Regional Irrigated Land and Water Use Mapping Program (RILWUM) program currently undertakes mapping in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District (GMID), the Mallee, Gippsland and south-western Victoria.

The mapping process involves remote and on-ground land use surveys in irrigation areas and the matching of water register data, to determine seasonal water use by water use licences and industry. This data is then used to produce spatial land use maps and analyse land and water use by industry type and water service area.

The program is developing consistent processes for data collection, analysis and reporting of irrigation land and water use areas across Victoria. The data collected through the program:

  • builds understanding of how land and water use in irrigation areas responds to changes in water availability
  • monitors irrigation methods on-farm
  • informs water, agriculture and planning policy at the local, regional, state and national level
  • provides essential input for economic modelling & analysis
  • guides regional economic development investment
  • informs the broader community about irrigated agriculture and helps landowners looking to expand, redevelop or contemplating exit options make informed decisions.

GMID Irrigation Land and Water Use Dashboard

The GMID Irrigation Land and Water Use Dashboard is an interactive presentation of the GMID land and water use information collected as part of the RILWUM program.

The Dashboard uses ArcGIS to display what irrigated land use is occurring across the GMID in a given season alongside charts presenting land and water use information by industry type and water service area.

The GMID Dashboard was developed to present the RILWUM data in an accessible and user-friendly way that allows for quick and simple comparison of land and water use across irrigation seasons.

As additional GMID land and water use information is collected through the RILWUM program the Dashboard will be updated.

The published reports and fact sheets available below will assist with interpretation of the data and provide a snapshot summary of land and water use in a given season.

Dashboards for the Mallee, Gippsland and a pilot in south-western Victoria regions are in development.

Access the GMID Irrigation Land and Water Use Dashboard

More information

Page last updated: 10/11/23