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Actions status: 8.1 to 8.4

Water corporations updated their drought response plans and have been implementing these. For example all corporations provided Water Security Outlooks in December 2015. Example drought response plans can be found at:

Other corporations have plans but these aren't available on the website, e.g. Coliban Water's Drought Risk Management Plan 2014(report sighted). Coliban is also developing nine system specific plans.

Action status: Complete

The Victorian government and water corporations continue to expand reticulated domestic and stock services. A consistent approach is used to assess reticulated domestic and stock systems.

Project development is guided by a range of existing principles and guidelines including ESC pricing principles (see clause 14 of Water Industry Act 1994, Water Industry Regulatory Order 2003 and Department of Treasury and Finance business case requirements.

Also, pipelines are part of supply-demand options considered in WSDSs and as such business case development considers the matters listed in the action.

Action status: Complete

VicWater's statewide review of water restrictions and Permanent Water Saving Rules was completed in 2011 (document sighted). The Minister approved the review on 29 November 2011. The outcomes were that

i) the permanent water saving rule which required all non-residential customers using more 10 ML/year or more to complete a WaterMAP was removed (i.e. WaterMAPS became voluntary)

ii) Permanent water saving rules would not apply to non-potable water sources.

Action status: Complete

A review of the uniform water restriction schedule and permanent water saving rules was completed in late 2011. The former Minister for Water approved the VicWater Position Paper in October 2011.

Legal instruments including Permanent Water Saving Plans, Melbourne DRP and Model Water Restriction By-laws for the whole state were subsequently approved by the then Minister for Water and gazetted.

Action status: Complete

Page last updated: 19/09/23