On this page:

The enhancing urban water security, iconic urban waterways and recreational values of water initiative contributed to:

  • offsetting the economic, environmental, social and cultural impacts of urbanisation
  • population growth and climate change on declining urban water supplies
  • our recreational water environs and iconic urban waterways.

By enhancing urban water security, reducing the impacts of urban water discharges and better managing our recreational and iconic urban waterways, this work contributed to the following:

  • cooler, greener cities and towns
  • affordable, accessible water
  • healthier water environments for our communities to use and enjoy.

Environmental contribution 5 (EC5)

Enhancing urban water security, iconic urban waterways and recreational water

  • 2020–21 expenditure: $13,567,000
  • 2021–22 expenditure: $22,121,000
  • 2022–23 expenditure: $15,077,000
  • 2023–24 expenditure: $14,337,000

Integrated water projects package of works

  • 2020–21 expenditure: $3,690,000
  • 2021–22 expenditure: $6,720,000
  • 2022–23 expenditure: $720,000
  • 2023–24 expenditure: $0

Protecting Waterways so our Wildlife can Thrive – Green Links

  • 2023–24 expenditure: $2,000,000

Summary of progress to date of Environmental contribution 5

Iconic urban waterways program

The iconic urban waterways include the Yarra River / Birrarung, the Waterways of the West (Maribyrnong and Werribee catchments) and the Rivers of the Barwon / Barre Warre Yulluk. This initiative is implementing Action 3.1 in Chapter 3 of Water for Victoria. It is fulfilling the government's commitment to improve planning arrangements for urban waterways, and protect and improve the health of their catchments now and into the future.

Work progressed over EC5 to deliver on actions from all 3 plans. The success of the iconic urban waterways program will be enhanced through the commitment of additional funds: $10m for the Green Links Grants Program included in State Budget 2023-24 (funded from EC5), and $15.89m (to date) in federal funding from the Australian Government’s $200m Urban Rivers and Catchments Program.

During the first 2 years of EC5, Burndap Birrarung burndap umarkoo, the Yarra Strategic Plan was completed and endorsed by:

Burndap Birrarung burndap umarkoo, the Yarra Strategic Plan came into operation on 24 February 2022 following approval by the Minister for Water. It is the first plan to protect and enhance the Yarra River, Birrarung, and its parklands.

The completion of Burndap Birrarung burndap umarkoo is an important step in realising the full effect of the Yarra River Protection / Willip-gin Birrarung Murron Act 2017, which recognises the Birrarung as a living entity and requires  governance that empowers the Birrarung’s Traditional Owners and integrates across portfolios, agencies, community and landscape.

In late 2021, the government released the Rivers of the Barwon / Barre Warre Yalluk and Waterways of the West Action Plans.

The plans were developed in response to the recommendations from Ministerial Advisory Committees established for each respective region. The plans include immediate actions to be implemented in the first year of operation and longer-term actions to be implemented within the 5-year life of the plans, subject to funding availability.

They build on an existing policy base that emphasises the importance of:

  • liveable cities
  • protecting waterways
  • enhancing their associated parklands
  • as well as the importance of embedding Traditional Owners and their values, knowledge and culture in decision-making.

The plans include measures to protect the waterways and their parklands better so that these community assets will continue to be valued and enjoyed for years to come.

During the first year of EC5, project funding was allocated to ensure agencies were prepared to implement the short-term actions in year one.

Significant projects underway in the Iconic Urban Waterways Program and funded through EC5 include:

Yarra Flats, Annulus Billabong and Yering Billabongs

At Annulus Billabong and Yarra Flats, improvement of wetland water regime to meet ecological watering objectives, improving ecosystem services, cultural and social values, and cultural values study to support Yering Billabongs project.

Lower Yarra floating wetlands

Installation of floating wetlands in the lower Birrarung delivered by City of Melbourne in 2023. The wetlands seek to restore habitat in this section of the river.

Kitjarra-dja-bul bullarto langi-ut

Kitjarra-dja-bul bullarto langi-ut — the Barwon River Parklands Masterplan — will strategically consider waterway amenities, tourism activation, community wellbeing, elevate Traditional Owner values in planning, while coordinating agency investment and evaluation to facilitate the capture of more secure funding for capital investment.

Upper Barwon Flagship project

Upper Barwon Flagship project to improve waterway health and deliver robust long-term monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement processes. This includes delivery of revegetation, willow and glyceria removal in the catchment and fencing out of livestock to improve and protect water quality and habitat.

Embedding community vision in action plans

The development of community visions for the Waterways of the West and Rivers of the Barwon / Barre Warre Yulluk Action Plans, using a deliberative engagement approach. For the Waterways of the West it involved the formation of community assemblies, with representation across age, gender and abilities. The team undertook some focussed work to ensure the inclusion of school age and culturally diverse community members could be incorporated into the Community Vision.

Better engagement with the CALD community

Funding and guidance to support community and agencies to better engage with the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) community in Melbourne’s west, including school students around waterway values, connections and aspirations. The award-winning Waterways of the West CALD toolkit is designed to be widely applied, with uptake already from the public sector and community groups.

Partnering with Traditional Owners

The Iconic Urban Waterways Program has also provided resourcing and support for partnership with the region’s Traditional Owner groups to ensure their voices and aspirations are heard in planning for these Iconic Urban Waterways. This includes supporting Traditional Owners’ input towards and approval of the Action Plans and Yarra Strategic Plan.

Support for the self-determined priorities of Traditional Owner groups to be reflected in regional catchment strategies for the Port Phillip and Western Port and Corangamite catchments.

Integrated Water Management (IWM)

The Integrated Water Management Program was established by the Victorian Government in 2017 to promote collaborative planning and management of water, land and related services, with the goal of maximising water-related economic, social and ecological benefits for all Victorians.

The IWM program delivers on key policy actions set out in Water for Victoria, particularly:

  • Action 5.7: The government adopts a systematic approach to IWM planning that ensures community values and local opportunities are represented in water management decisions.
  • Action 5.8: The government supports the implementation of IWM practice by fostering partnerships and providing resources to turn planning into on-ground action.

IWM is a collaborative approach that considers all aspects of the water cycle—drinking water, stormwater, wastewater, and waterways—in a connected, holistic way. The IWM Program’s key aim is to embed this approach into everyday water management across the state, to ensure that water is managed in a way that benefits communities, the environment, and the economy.

The IWM Program has continued to play an instrumental role in enabling strong collaborative partnerships through facilitating the state’s 15 IWM Forums. These forums bring together water corporations, local governments, catchment management authorities, Traditional Owner groups, and other key stakeholders to plan and prioritise IWM solutions across the state.

Numerous IWM Forum meetings, workshops, and working group sessions have provided a platform for collaborative planning and decision-making and establish commitments to work together to address pressing water management challenges.

The IWM Forums have continued to reaffirm their commitment to IWM through significant strategic planning efforts.

Catchment Scale IWM plans for each Metropolitan Melbourne Forum

Following the release of their Strategic Directions Statements in 2018, the five Metropolitan Melbourne IWM Forums collaborated to develop IWM Plans for the Dandenong, Maribyrnong, Werribee, Western Port, and Yarra catchments. These plans provide a consistent framework for coordinating action, including the ongoing identification of on-ground projects and initiatives that progress each catchment's vision and strategic outcomes.

The delivery of these Catchment Scale IWM Plans is supported by Action Plans, which were released in April 2024. Additionally, a Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, and Improvement (MERI) framework was developed and piloted to support the implementation of the plans. Metropolitan Melbourne IWM Forum members are committed to producing regular MERI Progress Reports in the future, ensuring the forums collaboratively track and advance the delivery of priority initiatives.

Refreshed Strategic Directions Statements

The refresh and re-release of 8 regional Victorian Forums’ Strategic Directions Statements. These updated statements reflect the forums' evolving priorities, ensuring that they remain responsive to changing community needs, environmental challenges, and emerging water management opportunities. The refreshed Strategic Directions Statements not only capture an updated vision, but also report on progress to date and identify new opportunities for future IWM initiatives.

By providing targeted resources, training, and facilitating knowledge-sharing, partner organisations across Victoria are better equipped to effectively apply IWM approaches in their work.

IWM resource and knowledge hubs

A key initiative developed to support IWM Forums across Victoria, these platforms serve as a repository for case studies, guidelines, and learning materials. This hub has been instrumental in providing easy access to essential tools, best practice and shared knowledge.

Capacity building initiatives

The program delivered a range of capacity-building activities, including workshops, training sessions, and site visits, aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of participants. These activities, which include benefit-cost analysis training and collaborative project design, have significantly increased participants' in IWM.

Regional IWM officers

The development and initiation of co-funded, regionally based IWM Officer positions has been critical in overcoming practical barriers to implementing IWM in regional Victoria. These officers provide dedicated support, helping partner organisations overcome challenges and better implement IWM projects on the ground. Six IWM Officers have now been employed.

Supporting Traditional Owner participation

Recognising that resourcing is essential to enable Traditional Owners’ self-determined, effective participation in IWM activities, the program has also funded some IWM Officer roles with Traditional Owner groups. Some funding for Traditional Owner owned water strategies, to be delivered with forum members, has also been provided

Significant progress towards an increasingly aligned and enabling policy environment for IWM has been achieved through aligning government policy frameworks with IWM, embedding IWM into key sector strategies, and identifying and advancing key policy enablers.

Aligned policy and strategies

The creation of a clear, coordinated policy environment that supports the implementation of IWM solutions at both local and regional levels is critical to addressing challenges such as water security, climate change, and rapid urban growth.

The program has advanced policy work to further embed IWM approaches and outcomes into urban planning frameworks, particularly through the Victorian Planning Provisions and precinct structure planning guidelines. This ensures that water management is integrated into land-use planning, helping to create sustainable, water-resilient communities.

Additionally, IWM principles and actions have been successfully incorporated into major sector strategies, such as the Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy and the Greater Melbourne Urban Water and System Strategy, securing the critical role of IWM in long-term regional water planning.

Advanced IWM enablers

To support the widespread adoption of IWM, the program continues to identify and advance several key policy enablers. These enablers are crucial for overcoming financial, institutional, and regulatory barriers that hinder the everyday implementation of IWM solutions.

One of these key enablers has been the exploration of future systemic funding models. Developing options for sustainable funding mechanisms will provide the financial stability necessary to support large-scale, transformative IWM projects. These mechanisms are intended to remove barriers to scaling up IWM solutions, ensuring long-term investment in sustainable water management.

The IWM Program has been instrumental to facilitating the delivery of sustainable water solutions at both local and regional levels, promoting innovative and sustainable water management practices, and addressing future challenges like climate change and urban growth. Through strategic grant programs, supporting commonwealth funding bids, and development of large-scale water alternative water network projects, the program continues to support Victoria's commitment to IWM.

Boosting delivery across Victoria

In the second year of EC5, the program launched a three-year IWM Grant Program aimed at boosting water security by co-investing $14.8 million in priority IWM projects, identified by IWM Forum partners, across both metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. The IWM Grant Program included multiple funding streams, each tailored to help overcome different stakeholders’ unique barriers to implementing IWM.

The first competitive funding stream round received over 60 applications across Victoria, of which 26 projects were funded. In a second round focused on regional Victoria, 12 out of 37 submissions secured funding.

Combined, these projects are expected to:

  • save an estimated 657 ML/yr of potable water
  • irrigate 58 community green spaces with stormwater or recycled water
  • activate more than 900 ML/yr of stormwater or recycled water for re-use
  • improve the quality of our waterways by reducing the amount of nitrogen (8,407 kg/yr), phosphorous (2,299 kg/yr) and total suspended solids (258 tn/yr) that enters our rivers and streams

To continue to secure our capacity for future capital works projects, these funded projects also included 31 feasibility and planning projects.

In addition to the competitive streams, the grant program included a dedicated non-competitive and flexible funding stream for Traditional Owner groups. Acknowledging the structural inequity and barriers that government systems can create, this stream aimed to create greater support of self-determination and leadership of Traditional Owner groups in IWM. 14 projects were also funded through this stream.

Securing nationally significant opportunities

The program supported successful applications for National Water Grid Authority funding, leading to the development of several business cases and the delivery of key on-ground projects, including the Western Irrigation Network and the Bellarine Recycled Water Project. Co-funding from the state has been critical to securing commonwealth funding for these nationally significant projects, contributing to enhanced water security for these regions.

Large-scale alternative water networks

The identification of 5 large-scale alternative water networks across the Greater Melbourne region warrants further investigation. These networks offer promising solutions for enhancing water resilience and sustainability in the face of climate change and population growth. Business cases are currently being developed to explore their full potential.

Additionally, the Barwon region is undergoing feasibility studies for the staged implementation of a large-scale alternative water network in the Barwon region is underway. This network, covering areas such as the Moorabool Valley, Surf Coast Hinterland, and the Bellarine Peninsula, holds significant potential for improving water management across the region.

Delivering on commitments in Sustainable Water Strategy

In the 2022-23 State Budget, the Victorian Government committed funding to enable the department and its partners to deliver on IWM commitments outlined in the Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy. This includes a total of $31.729 million allocated to co-invest in 17 IWM projects throughout the Central and Gippsland region, such as the Dingley Recycled Water Scheme.

This funding is projected to deliver an estimated 2,078 ML/year of alternative water from 8 capital on-ground projects. Additionally, it will support 9 feasibility studies, business cases, and concept designs for alternative water projects and large-scale alternative water planning across the region.

Enhanced water management to support Victoria’s economic recovery

During the first year of EC5, the program managed a package of 8 IWM capital works projects valued at $10.68 million, aimed at supporting Victoria’s economic recovery while enhancing water management.

Key projects in the COVID-19 Building Works Stimulus Package included:

  • installing a recycled water irrigation system at a new community farm in Whittlesea
  • constructing stormwater harvesting systems in Narre Warren and Sunshine North
  • ecological restoration of creek lines in Strathmore, Oak Park and Gunbower
  • building a natural playpark, all-access fishing jetty, and educational wetland boardwalks.

These projects supported over 60 jobs and contributed to reducing potable water use, improving waterway health, creating green spaces, and increasing Victoria's resilience to drought.

Also funded as part of the COVID-19 Building Works Stimulus Package, the Werribee Zoo Recycled Water Initiative received a reallocation of $2 million in funds from EC4 to expand the recycled water supply network in the Werribee catchment. The program oversaw its delivery in EC5, along with other funded projects under this package.

This two-phase project includes a new recycled water main and pump infrastructure to secure a high-reliability, low-salt and fit-for-purpose water source for key customers in the western region. This reallocated funding supported the first phase of this project, which was completed in April 2024. It will supply an estimated 450 ML of recycled water a year to the Werribee Open Range Zoo.

In addition to assisting Victoria’s economic recovery by supporting over 60 jobs. These projects contribute to decreasing our potable water use, improving the health of our waterways, creating green spaces for our communities and increasing Victoria’s drought resilience.

Recycled water, stormwater and onsite wastewater policy

The recycled water, stormwater and onsite wastewater policy program is delivering on Chapter 5 of Water for Victoria (actions 5.1, 5.3 and 5.5). These actions are fulfilling the government’s commitment to use diverse water sources to achieve secure water supplies, and to improve stormwater management for greener environments and healthier waterways.

The first 2 years of the program also included detailed work to incorporate opportunities to make the best use of all sources of water, into the Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy (CGRSWS), followed by implementation of committed actions since the CGRSWS was released in 2022.

Several projects have been completed or are underway to facilitate safe and suitable use of recycled water, including working closely with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and other key stakeholders. The following projects were completed during the EC5 funding period:

  • EPA’s guidelines for irrigation with recycled water (Publication 168), which will help irrigators use recycled water appropriately, and ensure controls are in place to protect the environment and human and animal health
  • Development of a risk framework for recycled water use in surface waters (EPA publication 3005)
  • Template guidance for recycled water use to help industry apply and adjust to the new Victorian recycled water guidelines
  • Improvements to recycled water data reporting categories used by the Essential Services Commission and within the Victorian Water Accounts
  • Testing and analysis of emerging contaminants in recycled water at wastewater treatment plants across Victoria (EPA Publication 2054)
  • Gap analysis of recycled water education and engagement.

Funding was also provided to EPA to assist with the following emerging contaminant projects in 2022/23:

  • Development of formal EPA guidance on emerging contaminants in recycled water to help scheme proponents and users to assess and manage potential risks associated with these contaminants
  • Targeted analysis and ground-truthing of a select number of emerging contaminants in soil and plants irrigated with recycled water
  • Derivation of recycled water irrigation guideline values for several priority emerging contaminants.

In 2021, the Victorian Auditor General’s Office performance audit on the supply and use of recycled water confirmed that the sector is effectively developing and implementing strategies to increase recycled water use and actively engaging with the community to understand risks and opportunities for recycled water.

Several stormwater and rainwater initiatives were progressed or completed over the EC5 funding period.

Stormwater offsets

Draft guidance was developed to support councils implementing stormwater quality offsets. It provides councils a ‘how to’ on setting up a stormwater offsets scheme. A draft framework, including supporting documentation and a calculator tool were also developed and due for release in 2024/25.

Improving tank maintenance

The department commenced work to improve community knowledge of how to get the most out of their rainwater tank, including improving installation choices and maintenance activities. This will include updated web content and social media material.

Information and capacity building

Twenty capacity building training sessions on Victoria’s stormwater planning requirements were delivered in partnership with industry, to a statewide audience of over 900 people over the EC5 funding period. Course evaluation consistently shows participants having 100% satisfaction with the training courses noting improvement in knowledge and skills, and higher likelihood to change practice and try new approaches.

An animated education video for communities, local government and land development industry on the benefits of an integrated water management was developed and can be viewed via the link above.

Stormwater planning tools: Online Navigator Tool Resource Portal and STORM update

In 2021, we published an Online Stormwater Navigator Tool Resource Portal, providing step-by-step guidance for planning system users to ensure their sub-division, buildings, and works development meets Victoria’s stormwater planning requirements. The Tool has been promoted extensively – and used by – the broader industry, with the Tool recognised with a highly commended award at the 2022 Stormwater Victoria Awards.

A new tool was developed to help planning system users (developers, engineers, councils) demonstrate compliance with their stormwater obligations under the Victorian Planning Policy (due for launch early 2024-25). The new tool will replace the existing STORM tool currently available on Melbourne Water’s website.

Stormwater flow reduction targets

EPA issued its final urban stormwater management guidance in July 2021, which includes a set of flow reduction targets. An investigation into the feasibility of meeting the flow reduction targets and whether they can be mandated commenced in 2023/24, as part of implementing Action 3.16 in the Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy.

Melbourne Urban Stormwater Institutional Arrangements (MUSIA) project

In late 2021, the Melbourne Urban Stormwater Institutional Arrangements (MUSIA) project reached a preferred option in principle to clarify the roles and responsibilities for a range of stormwater assets and services between Melbourne Water and 38 councils in the Port Phillip and Westernport catchments.

Since then, further engagement and initial implementation work have commenced. The CGRSWS included Action 3-13, committing to an implementation of MUSIA. Melbourne Water and the Municipal Association of Victoria are leading implementation, including more detailed engagement with councils. The department continues to support on an as needed basis, and will embed the confirmed approach into policy or legislation.

Stormwater licensing and supply review

The department is working with councils and water corporations to review licensing requirements and supply arrangements for stormwater harvesting. The objectives of the review are:

  1. To provide clarity and security for all parties involved in stormwater harvesting by ensuring there is a point of truth to understand available and allocated stormwater volumes, and to manage/control these volumes as a water resource.
  2. To create a clear and appropriately enabling framework to:
    1. allow organisations to proactively participate in stormwater harvesting
    2. secure access to stormwater for a range of end uses
    3. ensure that stormwater harvesting arrangements protect and enhance the cultural and environmental values of waterways.

In conjunction with EPA, the program also continued to address reform and support needs for on-site domestic wastewater management.

Updated EPA guidance on the contents of a domestic wastewater plan

The 2005 domestic wastewater plan model was reviewed, with the department developing a framework to evaluate the level of risk associated with (proposed and existing) onsite wastewater management systems, as well as to identify management strategies.

EPA have developed new guidelines for developing, reviewing and updating local government onsite wastewater management plans. The draft guideline was workshopped in April 2023 with the water sector and will be released in 2024.

Revised EPA Guidelines for onsite wastewater management

In June 2023, public consultation on the Revised Code of Practice via Engage Victoria commenced. The code of practice was replaced by 2 pieces of guidance: the guidelines for onsite wastewater management, and the guidelines for effluent dispersal and recycling systems. They can be found here: Guidelines for onsite wastewater management.

Onsite Domestic Wastewater Management (ODWM) grants

DEECA provided $1.12 million in grants to local councils that are managing onsite wastewater systems. 58 out of 65 eligible councils received a grant to focus on data improvements, updating OWMPs or to undertake risk reducing activities as outlined in Council OWMPs. Analysis of council final reports, has shown the grants program has achieved the following:

  • 89% of councils with onsite wastewater systems have undertaken onsite wastewater management improvements.
  • More councils have transitioned from the SEPP (Waters) obligations and are better placed to achieve the obligations under the OMLI.
  • Councils have indicated that they will continue working on projects related to their grant, with several able to engage staff to undertake further onsite wastewater activities.

Local government toolkit

DEECA and EPA developed and implemented e-learning modules for council Environmental Health Officers to learn about the onsite wastewater management functions within the Environment Protection Regulations 2021.

Recreational Values program

The Recreational Values program has been delivering on the Victorian Government’s commitment to recognise and consider the recreational value of water in the way our water storages and waterways are managed. These are articulated across the 3 actions in Chapter 7 of Water for Victoria, Recognising Recreational Values:

Action 7.1: Include recreational values in water and waterway planning
Action 7.2: Help communities understand how to achieve their recreational objectives
Action 7.3: Support recreation at water storages through infrastructure and better information

During the EC5 period, the program provided $2.89 million in grant funding to support 19 projects and 11 organisations focused on improving recreational outcomes. 15 projects were completed by 30 June 2024, with 4 to be completed by June 2025.

The program supported recreational objectives and improved access for the community to better enjoy waterways. This included providing better information to the community to support understanding of the opportunities and limitations on recreational use of waterways and water storages and confidence in the water decision-making that supports this. It also included the development of better management approaches to achieve recreational and social objectives through site or region-specific case study projects.

The program has continued strengthening partnerships and capacity building between the department, the water sector – catchment management authorities (CMAs), water corporations and the Victorian Environmental Water Holder – and related government portfolios to achieve greater collaboration, inform decision-making and leverage investment to achieve social and recreational objectives.

The program has clarified expectations and created better linkages across the water sector to incorporate recreational values and objectives in water and waterway planning.

  • The Water and Catchments Amendment Act 2019 enshrined the consideration of social and recreational values in waterway management into law for the first time across Victoria.
  • Social and recreational uses and values are required to be considered in specific water planning processes under the Water Act, including in the development of sustainable water strategies and regional waterway strategies

In addition, the program team have:

  • ensured the incorporation of social and recreational uses and values in the CGRSWS
  • reviewed water sector corporate planning and reporting documents, with 30 organisations now meeting benchmarks to provide information on recreation in their Corporate Plans and Annual Reports
  • introduced new Water (Recreational Area) Regulations 2023, which came into operation in August 2023. The regulations enable water corporations and catchment management authorities to manage safe public recreation at determined recreational areas, while ensuring their range of values and uses are protected
  • supported water corporations and one catchment management authority with management of determined recreational areas to commence the development of recreational area management plans required under the new Water (Recreational Area) Regulations 2023 (due August 2025).

The program funds various projects to support this action. Program highlights include:

Community consultation

Community consultation was undertaken through Engage Victoria in the development of the new Water (Recreational Area) Regulations 2023, and a 7-week community consultation process through Engage Victoria to help inform the future management of Greens Lake, Corop.

Recreational access to waterways

Supported technical investigations and analysis to support evidence-based decision-making about recreational access to waterways, including the Wimmera Southern Mallee Socio-Economic Value of Recreational Water Study, assessing the economic and social contribution made by the local weirs, lakes and rivers to the regional economy.

Wannon Water Recreation Opportunities Strategy

Funded the Wannon Water Recreation Opportunities Strategy which outlines potential options to increase public access to more of its sites in Southwest Victoria for recreational use. A 6-minute video was also produced, with the strategies and video shared with Victorian water corporations and CMAs.

Understanding visitor usage of storages

The installation of car counters at 39 sites across the Goulburn-Murray region to accurately inform Goulburn-Murray Water of visitor numbers to their water storages, which will help plan appropriate investment.

Cultural heritage evaluation and monitoring

Contributed to the Taungurung Land & Waters Council to undertake cultural heritage evaluation and monitoring at the Corop Wetlands as part of broader program of work for a Corop Wetlands Cultural Waterscape.

My Victorian Waterway survey

Co-funded the second My Victorian Waterway survey, which was conducted in March and April 2022 and attracted over 6,000 responses. The survey will build on data collected in a previous My Victorian Waterway Survey (2009) to identify trends in waterway use, perceptions, and knowledge over time.

The program partners with delivery agencies to complete projects that support recreation at waterways and water storages across Victoria. Program highlights include:

Trawool Reservoir Walking Track and Fishing Platform

Provided $250,000 to Goulburn Valley Water who, in partnership with Taungurung Land and Waters Council, has built a new walking track linking the Great Victorian Rail Trail at Trawool to the Trawool Reservoir, winding through sections of Falls Creek.

The walking track, constructed by Biik Environmental and running approximately 5km in length, is signposted and features directional signage to help improve access and walkability of the track, which is steep and narrow in parts. Two new fishing platforms at Trawool Reservoir enable easier launching of kayaks, as well as all abilities fishing access above the water edge.

Creating connection through interpretive signage on Wadawurrung Country

In 2022, interpretative signage at five publicly accessible Barwon Water and Central Highlands Water reservoirs on Wadawurrung Country was installed, to celebrate Wadawurrung history and culture, educate the community about native flora and fauna and promote safe recreational use of these areas.

Twelve signs have been installed at Lal Lal Reservoir, Bolwarra Weir, Bostock Reservoir, Upper Stony Creek Reservoir and Wurdee Boluc Reservoir. The signs provide opportunities for greater sharing of culture, history and knowledge at these sites to increase community involvement and as well as achieving shared benefits for Traditional Owners and recreational users.

Visitor access and experience in the Lower Thomson and Latrobe Wetlands

Funded West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority who, in partnership with Wellington Shire Council, Gippsland Ports, Field and Game Australia, Parks Victoria and the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC), carried out works to improve visitor access and experience in the Lower Thomson and Lower Latrobe Wetlands.

The works included weed and vegetation control to improve boating, fishing and rowing access, installation of bollards and rocks for further improved access, walking track improvements and interpretive signage.

Daylesford reservoirs recreational amenities

Visitors now have access to new public toilet facilities with improved onsite wastewater systems at Bullarto Reservoir, east of Daylesford. The Recreational Values program provided $132,000 to Central Highlands Water towards the project, which will cater for increased public visitation and diversity of users from across the local community, and will manage and reduce the risk of contamination of the Daylesford water supply.

The installation of public toilets and wastewater systems ensures enhanced amenities are available for the community to use at the reservoir, which is well-stocked with fish and enjoyed by a range of visitors for bushwalking, orienteering and fishing.

Merri River Connections

The Recreational Values Program provided $400,000 towards the Merri Connections Project, a collaborative effort between the Glenelg Hopkins CMA and the Warrnambool City Council. The project enhances community access to the Merri River and surrounding areas through the construction of a new all-abilities kayak pontoon and adjoining footpaths at Platypus Park in West Warrnambool.

Waranga Basin Embankment Recreation Area project

Waranga Basin, east of Rushworth, is the fourth largest inland waterway in Victoria. With $68,500 from the Recreational Values Program, Goulburn-Murray Water replaced ageing barbecues and picnic facilities at the Embankment recreation area.

The new facilities include an all-abilities double electric barbecue, a purpose-built shelter and accessible picnic table and chairs. Signage with recreation information and the history of Waranga Basin has also been installed.

Improving wastewater management at Lake Eppalock

Lake Eppalock is one of Goulburn-Murray Water’s busiest recreational waterways. To support recreation and community, Goulburn-Murray Water operates 11 wastewater effluent systems, which includes nine pump stations, pump mains pipework and 31 effluent evaporation lagoons.

Funding of $200,000 provided by the Recreational Values program has improved the management of wastewater at Lake Eppalock through installation of new flow meters and gauge boards, soil permeability tests, and the development of a design action plan to minimise risk of wastewater entering Lake Eppalock.

Recreational facility upgrades in the Grampians Wimmera Mallee area

Recreational and amenity upgrades across several Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water-managed reservoir foreshore areas within the Wimmera and Glenelg catchments has enhanced the recreational experience of visitors near the towns of Horsham, Stawell and Balmoral.

The Recreational Values Program contributed $400,000 to this project, which included works to protect important environmental and cultural heritage values, ensuring that social, cultural and environmental values were balanced.

New, fit-for-purpose toilets have been installed at Flat Rock Campground at Lake Lonsdale, including two all-abilities units. Given the sensitive environment adjacent to Lake Lonsdale, the toilets use a vault system where waste is pumped out and disposed of off-site.

Jamieson River recreation area upgrades

Support from the Recreational Values program with a funding grant of $240,000 enabled Goulburn Broken CMA to carry out works to protect the riverbank from erosion, ensuring easy access is maintained while minimising environmental impacts.

The works will improve recreational access along the edge of the river and into the water by installing stone steps that will also prevent erosion to the riverbank. Revegetation with native shrubs and grasses will provide further bank stability during major flood events, while improving the visual amenity of the area.

Page last updated: 22/10/24