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Sustainable Water Strategies
Sustainable Water Strategies (SWS) secure a region’s long-term water supply. They can identify threats to water availability and water quality.
They also include policies and actions to better manage and respond to those threats that helps:
- water users
- water corporations
- catchment management authorities (CMAs).
Existing sustainable water strategies
There are 3 regional sustainable water strategies for Victoria:
- Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy - 2022
- Northern Region Sustainable Water Strategy - 2009
- Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy – 2011
Implementing sustainable water strategies
Our department leads the implementation of sustainable water strategies in partnership with:
- the water sector
- Traditional Owners
- the community.
We undertake annual monitoring and reporting on the implementation of SWS actions.
Reviewing sustainable water strategies
The Water Act 1989 requires a review of SWSs after 10 years. Reviews provide an opportunity to identify if the SWS has met the timelines and targets.
The Water for Victoria program identified the opportunity to complete 5-yearly assessments of Sustainable Water Strategies. The 5-yearly assessments help identify any key trends and issues for any future review.
Next steps
The 3 regional sustainable water strategies are current and remain current until the development of future strategies in the regions.
Annual monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the SWS actions will continue.
The strategies
Central and Gippsland region
Learn more about the Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy.

Northern region
Learn more about the Northern Region Sustainable Water Strategy.

Western region
Learn more about the Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy.

Find out more about the strategies
Contact us if you have questions or want to learn about these strategies.
Page last updated: 11/09/23