Project delivery: Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority

Targeted outcomes:

  • Environmental; Native vegetation, plants and fish
  • Economic; Town and industrial water supply
  • Social; Recreational, Community connection, Cultural heritage
  • Long-term monitoring

About the project

Located on Gunditjmara country, the Budj Bim National Heritage Landscape was created by volcanic lava flow 6,500 years ago.  It extends from Budj Bim Volcano (Mt Eccles) to the sea and encompasses a series of waterways including Tae Rak (Lake Condah) and Palawarra (Fitzroy River).

The landscape is rich in cultural heritage. It features engineered wetlands and channels used to hold and harvest eels, one of the oldest known aquacultures in the world. The significance of the site has been internationally recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage place.

A flock of black swans fly over a grassy patch of wetlands. This bird’s indigenous name is Kunuwar. The scientific name is Cygnus atratus.
Black swans taking flight on Tae Rak (Lake Condah)
Source: courtesy Sunarazzi

Budj Bim Connections aims to improve the condition of native vegetation and aquatic habitats. It also aims to increase the understanding of flow pathways and wetland hydrology in the landscape, while fostering the sharing and integration of Aboriginal knowledge.

Project works will enhance recreational opportunities along the waterway and benefit rare and threatened species such as:

  • Australasian bittern
  • Growling grass frog
  • Yarra pygmy perch
  • Glenelg spiny crayfish.

Page last updated: 09/09/23