We are excited to announce the new Victorian Water Accounts website, with the 2021–22 accounts.

This user-friendly website allows the water sector and all water users to understand water availability in Victoria’s 29 river basins and 20 groundwater catchments. Through interactive graphs, maps, tables, and detailed descriptions, you can gain valuable insights.

Trusted data source

Informed decision-making

Water policy and decision-makers can access surface water, groundwater, and water supply system information at both local and state-wide levels.

The VWA report is a trusted and reliable source of public data, providing accountability and transparency on water use and management in Victoria.

Sustainability insights

Whether you’re a household, irrigator, or large industrial user, the VWA helps you understand how Victoria sustainably manages water.

For the first time in 2021–22, the VWA reports on the volume of water entitlements held by Traditional Owner organisations. As of June 30, 2022, this volume stands at approximately 6.8 GL.

Record numbers

In the 2021-22 water year, total streamflow volumes reached 146% of the long-term average—the highest in a decade.

Additionally, for the first time since the introduction of the current entitlement products in 2007, the Murray system received a 100% allocation to low-reliability entitlements.

Water usage breakdown

Of the water used in 2021-22:

  • 55% went to irrigation
  • 23% supported the environment
  • 18% served town households, gardens, businesses, and sporting grounds
  • 3% was for rural domestic and stock purposes
  • 1% was used for power generation

Visit Victorian Water Accounts 2021-22

Stay tuned

All future editions of the VWA will be accessible through our new website. For historical accounts dating back to 2003, PDF versions are available.

Explore more reporting resources at water monitoring and reporting.

Feel free to reach out to the water reporting team with any queries or suggestions regarding this innovative digital product.

Page last updated: 14/03/24